Saturday October 14, 2022
8:30 am
Start Line:
I.M. Terrell Academy for STEM & VPA
1411 I.M. Terrell Cir S, Fort Worth, TX 76102
Start your Halloween off early with a special treat at The Great Fort Worth
Trick or Treat Trail Run 5k!
The race starts at the Historical I.M. Terrell Academy and runs along the Trinity Trails where you'll witness some ghoulish delights. You'll then run through the world famous Cutting Edge Haunted House, full of Halloween Frights!
A BIG thank you to the The Cutting Edge Haunted House for opening their doors to runners of all ages to experience the sights, sounds, and frights of one of the highest rated Haunted Houses in America!
Profits from the 5k race and Fall Festival benefit the Student Apprentices at
The I.M. Terrell Academy for STEM and Visual Performing Arts.
Early registration for all runners is $35. Price increases to $45 Aug 14th, 2023.
Click here to see in-person packet pickup options.
Registration only admits entrance to the Cutting Edge during the designated race time and runners cannot trade their registration for a Cutting Edge Haunted House ticket at a later time.
route map
The Course
The course begins at the I.M. Terrell Academy and consists of two loops with a shared middle route. The first loop winds through the zombie infested Trinity Trails where you'll run past ghoulish pumpkin carvings. After reconnecting on the shared route, the second loop takes you to and through The Cutting Edge Haunted House where you'll run for your life!
Click on the map to downlaod a copy.
It's going to be SPOOKTACULAR!
Medals & Swag

The Cutting Edge
As a special treat, The Cutting Edge Haunted House is opening their doors for runners to experience the thrill of the chase through one of the highest rated Haunted Houses in America!
The last portion of the Trick or Treat Trail Run will wind through portions of the Cutting Edge Haunted House, complete with haunts, shocks, and scares.
Halloween Haunts work up a sweat!? Runners and walkers can take a cool run through the bubble tunnel at the end of the Haunted House!
Have some little goblins who wish to skip the scares? We'll have a bypass route prior to entering The Cutting Edge.
Parking can be found in the surface lots surrounding the school or the surrounding Butler Place area. Security will monitor these areas during the race.
There is no parking on the I.M. Terrell football field or in the Cutting Edge parking lot.